Life just ‘Moves’. Just ‘IS’. That is what it is to say ‘I Am’!

Kevin McEvenue, Addie van der Kooy, Patricia Manessy and I, as participants in this blog, have been engaged in a conversation about a new edge of Wholebody Focusing.  Addie presented us with the idea that “I can be okay, whilst not feeling okay.” Patricia let us know how important this concept is to her.  Kevin’s intunement gives us an example of how to achieve that sense of wholeness with movement while holding whatever is present in the body.

What came for me today while listening to this intunement was the pure joy of moving without searching for its meaning.  I was able to feel joy in my movements as I was aware that I woke up this morning with some emotional heaviness.

This is a great intunement to connect you to your natural ability to move from an inner directed source of self, to become solidly grounded, and possibly to be able to hold both a strong sense of “Me Here” and whatever is wanting your attention.  This may alleviate what is suffering in the moment and may also lead to some longer lasting shift in that suffering.

Diana Scalera

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The Inner Core Muscle of “Me Here”

Welcome to the first of three video blogs of a conversation between Kevin and UK Wholebody Focusing trainer Addie van der Kooy.  During this converation Addie talks about the importance of several “inner core muscles” which need to be exercised before Focusing can really come into its own.

In this first video blog, Kevin and Addie explore what it takes to strengthen one of these inner muscles, the “Me Here” muscle – a physical experience of being present, aware and alive in the moment.  Daily practice periods and “pauses for Presence” are simple, effective ways of tuning this muscle as they create a new habit: stepping out of our thinking and into our body sense of being present and alive in the moment.

In the next two video blogs Kevin and Addie explore a couple of other inner core muscles.


Addie van der Kooy (email:


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