Melting Point / Sulamispiste

Photo Credit: Maria Hakasalo


A judging mind
who crush and shrink, burden and destroy
You come out from the nooks of my mind
seizing me with full of shame
Could I shake you off so that no one notices
how dark and ugly you are?

Welcome, judging mind
Welcome home
Welcome to my arms, welcome to be seen
Welcome to the warmth of my embrace
to the shine of the sun

there you soften
forget your job
begin to melt and love

One of the most touching things for me in Wholebody Focusing is the welcoming attitude. Nothing in me needs to be pushed away or hide even though there are moments when I first feel that I would like to do so. I can just be with whatever is there, say that I am there for it ready to listen. Sometimes it doesn’t want to say anything. Even that is totally okay. I can just be with whatever there is. How many of us would like to feel that kind of unconditional love in our life? To be accepted as we are. It is the place where even the hardest or coldest place in us can soften and melt.

Maria Hakasalo

If you are interested in leaning more about the welcoming nature of Wholebody Focusing please click on this link.


Arvosteleva mieli
lyttäät kutistat painat tuhoat
Nouset mieleni sopukoista
Valtaat minut täynnä häpeää
Saisinpa karistettua sinut pois ettei kukaan näe
miten synkkä ja ruma olet

Tervetuloa arvosteleva mieli
Tervetuloa kotiin
Tervetuloa syliini tervetuloa esiin
Tervetuloa sylini lämpöön ja auringon valoon

siinä sinä pehmenet
unohdat tehtäväsi
alat sulaa ja rakastaa

Yksi minua eniten koskettaneista asioista kokokehon fokusoinnissa on se, kuinka kaikki, mitä minussa on, toivotetaan tervetulleeksi. Mitään minussa ei tarvitse työntää pois tai piilottaa, vaikka jokin minussa haluaisikin välillä tehdä niin. Saan vain olla sen kanssa, mitä siellä on, kertoa, että olen valmis kuuntelemaan. Joskus se ei halua sanoa mitään. Sekin on täysin ok. Voin vain olla sen kanssa, mitä siellä on. Kuinka moni meistä haluaisi tuntea tällaista pyyteetöntä rakkautta elämässään? Että on hyväksytty sellaisena kuin on. Sellaisessa jopa kovapintaisinkin tai kylminkin paikka meissä voi pehmentyä ja sulaa.

Maria Hakasalo

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3 thoughts on “Melting Point / Sulamispiste”

  1. Dear Maria,
    Thank you for this! I love the last verse….

    “there you soften
    forget your job
    begin to melt and love”

    It’s such a unique and perfect way to describe what happens for me when those troubled places are simply seen and lovingly acknowledged!

    I love it!

  2. A judging mind
    who crush and shrink, burden and destroy
    You come out from the nooks of my mind
    seizing me with full of shame
    Could I shake you off so that no one notices
    how dark and ugly you are?

    Welcome, judging mind
    Welcome home
    Welcome to my arms, welcome to be seen
    Welcome to the warmth of my embrace
    to the shine of the sun

    there you soften
    forget your job
    begin to melt and love

    Hi Maria,

    This poem is like the beginning of a delicious romance. Two opposites staunchly themselves find what they bring to a union makes each of them willing to loosen, to be happier and to be excited about the newness of all that. I see unexpected laughter and smiles that lead to a strong love connection because they both know that while they can hold on to their ways, there is always a wanting to be more.

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