Addie van der Kooy

Awakening to your Aliveness

Addie van der Kooy is a professional Wholebody Focusing (WBF) trainer/teacher and lives in the town Marlborough in South West of England. He has been working for almost 20 years with WBF founder Kevin McEvenue. He is the author of the WBF manual Focusing With Your Whole Body’.

Addie is registered with The International Focusing Institute (TIFI) as a Certifying Coordinator in WBF and offers on-line individual sessions via Skype or Zoom. He also offers a 1:1 WBF Foundation Course and provides training for the TIFI recognised WBF Trainer Certificate.

Description of his Approach

“As a WBF trainer/teacher I place a lot of emphasis on the experience of your whole body as a safe, grounded and alive context into which suffering places inside you can feel welcomed and be heard.  And as they are, they can awaken to new possibilities of healing.

To physically sense the grounded aliveness of your own Presence whilst also welcoming the suffering inside, creates a potent dynamic inside you in which deep healing shifts can take place.  I know this from my own experience as someone who suffered from severe neck pains due to deeply embedded trauma places.  This “holding both” can also lead to an experience of self-realisation and awaken you to a deep knowing of who you are in essence”.

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