Heartfelt Loving Beyond Expectation

The first law of spiritual energy: energy follows attention! In other words, wherever I focus my attention, the energy in my body, mind, and spirit follows. It is as simple as that!

Heartfelt Loving Beyond Expectation

The power of heartfelt loving is beyond any expectation we can imagine. It is the essence of the practice of Heartfelt Connection in Wholebody Focusing as we know it.

HeartFelt Loving

I start by inviting a connection between me, a part of me, a part of something outside myself, and especially a sense of you over there as I hold the whole of that in my consciousness. I pause, to just notice what is there, and accept what comes beyond what I might expect.

This feels proactive in some way—like an opportunity to notice that seems to want my attention, and to do so. Often something totally unexpected or even uninvited appears out of the blue! It is an opportunity to turn my attention towards something there with an open heart and wait there. I just notice…that is all…and allow a felt sense to emerge…as though it seems to notice itself and notice me too…with mutual affection.

Beyond Expectation

Something very powerful seems to be present at the same time; something not of my own making. I can feel it there and it feels powerful. If I am able to hold a space for such an experience, something more begins to happen. Something happening that couldn’t happen without this kind of heartfelt participation!

We could call this the first law of spiritual energy: energy follows attention! In other words, wherever I focus my attention, the energy in my body, mind, and spirit follows. It is as simple as that!

In this blog, I offer two concrete examples of situations where Heartfelt Presence is activated; first, my own experience happening now, and next an event that happened 25 years ago to a man who suffered a very debilitating crisis called carpal syndrome. (See a previous blog entitled: When Love Pays Attention to a Deep Wound.) Today I fill in the empty pieces that unfolded over all these many years and updated that event with some very surprising results.

These two ‘happenings’ speak for themselves. What more can I say except to appreciate the power explored in Participatory Spirituality in this series.


4 thoughts on “Heartfelt Loving Beyond Expectation”

  1. Thank you listening to this allowed me to open to a sense of loving for myself ina way I have not explored before. Feeling love for me and who I am, …. feels like opening a multi dimensional dam, the flow of which seems to have the capacity to reach parts of myself ….. and beyond me …. which takes in the mystery of connection to other. It feels awesome and I admit to feeling the need to not overdo it. So perhaps there is a sense of the power in this practice and a bit of fear about not being overwhelmed by the mystery and potential of this radical act.

  2. Hi Kevin,

    Thanks for sharing this post. It reminded me of a method acting class I took. The Coach asked us to act out singing “Happy Birthday to Me.” The only instructions were to sing in the loudest voice possible and include bodily movement. Each student had an individual reaction to what it meant to celebrate themselves—something that many of us had never done before or never had done with so much enthusiasm. Unfortunately, method acting is not about healing. It’s about finding parts of oneself that one can return to make a character come alive. I wonder what doing this to celebrate myself would bring?

  3. So powerful Kevin!!! Thank you for sharing with us all – as you say eyes wide open!! Your message is inspirational.

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